Welcome to Aquarius season, whose symbol is the Waterbearer, whose element is fixed air, and whose energy is awkward. This period favours the cerebral over the sensual, the odd over the conventional, and the ingenious over the simple. Be your weirdest self and follow your fascinations during Aquarius’s one-month reign.
The sun passes through your selfhood zone this season. Usually, solar transits in this part of the chart indicate periods of heightened self-interest, individualism, perhaps even selfishness. In essence, the Sun here activates me-first questions: how do I look? What do I want? Who am I? Your sign, however, is known for having an impersonal nature: you’re more focused on big picture themes, rather than the minutiae of ‘my’ and ‘mine’. How do we square your impersonal nature with what is seen as a very personal part of the chart? Find meaning this month by connecting small self (ego) to big self (humanity, the people). Volunteer. Donate. They say the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Do your part to better the whole.
You’re mutable water – you don’t really get on with the arid intellectualism of Aquarius season. But this year, you’ve got lovely Venus hanging out in your friendship zone until 16 February. Venus is like a warm blanket for snuggling over and against the Aquarius chill. Please make use of this harmonious transit by finding someone special or friends with whom to share this cosmic ‘blankie’. Keep Venus in mind at all times. It stands for money, love, desire and beauty, so spend a little and love a lot and forget about the cold nature of Aquarius.
The Aquarius sun camps out in your friendship sector this month, but pay more attention to the location of aggressive Mars, your ruling planet. Until 16th of February, the Warmonger is in conservative Capricorn, where it is exalted, meaning more energy to get things done without that red-hot Martian mania involved in the mix. All of this Mars fire will be lighting up your career zone, so use this transit to go full-on worker bee. Come mid-month, you could very well be ‘employee of the month’.
As a fixed earth sign, you can get set in your ways (it happens). With the unconventional Aquarius sun energising your career zone this season, however, be more flexible with the way you approach work and projects over the next couple of weeks. Shift up your routine. Try some life hack to increase productivity (micro-dosing?). Validate the ideas of others (no matter how new-fangled) – and build on them. While you can be set in your ways, you also tend to outlast and outwork those who may start a project strong, but then lose interest. Stay true to your nature (steady, enduring, loyal), but tweak it a bit (Aquarian innovation) for growth at work.
Both the sun and serious Saturn are camping out in your sector of spirituality and higher learning this season. While your nature is light and easy, Saturn doesn’t like idle chit chat. All you can do is roll with this transit and get deep into some serious study time. Remember, Aquarius emits unconventional energy, so this season will support investigations into the weird. When your ruling planet Mercury, enters into your higher learning sector on Monday the 5th of February, this is a particularly good day to start a reading project.
The cerebral Aquarius sun sidles up to your sex sector this season. As such, you may find yourself drawn to the sapiosexual thrills of watching lectures on human behavioural biology or having Sade’s Justine read aloud in the bedroom. By no means, never resist these kinds of cosmic tugs. A new moon on 9 January in your sex zone betokens a powerful date to explore some kind of erotic nerd-play.
You’re a highly social sign – or rather you like society to pay attention to you, as you walk on catwalks, real and imagined. But with the Aquarius sun camping out in your relationships sector, work on sharing the limelight with your partners. Aquarius favours collective energy, so listen a bit more and talk less in groups or pairs. A new moon on 9 February portends your best night to take a partner out and listen to all their stories, no matter how much you want to override the conversation with yours.
Your sign is the master of the to-do list. Virgo loves the efficiency that comes from little life hacks procured online that teach you how to fold those always cumbersome fitted sheets in record time. The fact that the innovative Aquarius sun will be lighting up your zone of routine, health and diet is like catnip for the maiden. Aquarius season brings with it new ideas, even to the humdrum world of routine and diet. Align with this energy and generate at least four new ways to fold sheets and cut calories this month. On 9 February, the new moon portends your best day to make a long to-do list that will occupy you for the rest of the season.
Your fun and romance zone gets lit up by the Aquarius sun this season, but fun and romance can, of course, come in different forms. Under the auspices of intellectual and unconventional Aquarius, expect romantic interludes to be a bit different. Do not be surprised if you find yourself on a date with someone you never expected (a wily surfer type to your buttoned-up professionalism, say). Ultimately, now is not the time to resist these kinds of unexpected encounters, for they can lead to deeper self-understanding, which is, in the end, the name of the cosmic game.
The innovative Aquarius sun transits your home zone. It could be time to look at your space and make some clever changes to it. Check out some stuff on Japanese interiors to get ideas on how to rearrange the living room or kitchen. Then, move over to some Danish material on the same topic. The point is to start seeing the angles of your home from different perspectives. Aquarius energy is about the unexpected solution or insight. Here’s to figuring out what to finally do with that lamp that isn’t feeling right by the desk.
The quirky Aquarius sun camps out in your communication zone this month. This part of the chart deals with editing, writing, and speaking. While Aquarius energy isn’t great for digging into the p’s and q’s of a manuscript or contract, it should prove helpful instead with generating big ideas, which could take the form of unexpected plot twists in your stalled out mystery novel. Approach your laptop with an open mind this month, and think about making big changes in your communications rather than small ones.
It’s crazy how many pop songs are about cash. The best, no doubt is ‘Money For Nothing’ by Dire Straits. What’s great about the track, at least lyrically, is that it taps into one of our fundamental fantasies – sitting around and gaining tons of cash for it. Outside our quests for the fountain of youth, is there any desire more bedrock than the one articulated by Dire Straits? This is all to say that the innovative Aquarius sun lights up your cash zone this month. At the very least, this placement could help you come up with an idea to make some money for something, which is not to be sniffed at.