The Holidays are over for us, but it seems that the Stars never stop with their partying. We have a celebratory Full Moon in caring Cancer, coming up January 13th. It will be opposite the emotionally distant Capricorn Sun, providing us a little respite from the Goat’s tight-lipped smiles and somewhat cold shoulders. If Capricorn season is for setting New Year’s Resolutions and getting down to business, this lunation is asking us to check in with our feelings about all these plans. How so?
Unlike New Moons, which cast no light, Full Moons function to illuminate. But the important thing to note is that all this lunar wattage reflects the sunlight of the current season, in our case that of the Goat. Saturn-ruled Capricorn wants us to make long term moves – law school, purchase home, marriage – but the Full Moon in super intuitive Cancer is now saying: what’s in your heart, not your head?
Such a question is crucial because our heads are filled with thoughts that come from elsewhere–mom, dad, school, television, film, and all the other myriad and subterranean forces that wend their way into how we see the world and our place in it. To add to this, there is a social pressure element at work during Capricorn season. It’s our cardinal earth sign, meaning its goals are achievement-oriented.
Capricorn energy pushes us up toward some notion of “success,” and there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, we should welcome that influence in our life, especially right now, as the New Year starts and we need a goal and direction. But we should make sure that we want to trek up the right mountain for us–not because the world, with its bourgeois demands, has planted a flag there that we think we should follow.
This is where the Full Moon in Cancer makes its appearance. While Capricorn season could be the best time for thinking long-term about reality, this Moon, which rules the Crab, attunes us to what we might call “feel-ality.” Are we ok with this or that goal on an emotional level, the voice of reason notwithstanding? If so, green-light your resolutions; if not, refine, discard, or re-draw them.
What to expect from this Full Moon in Cancer
This isn’t the moon for big, dramatic social events or late-nights. Instead, it’s an invitation to slow down, let your heart settle, and really connect with the people you love most (or just yourself, if that’s what you're into).
Cancer is the zodiac’s emotional sponge—soft, sensitive, and just here to nurture everyone (even when it’s a little tired). When the Moon, Cancer’s celestial ruler, goes full in this sign, it’s like the universe wrapping you in a warm, nurturing embrace, offering comfort and emotional clarity. Expect all the feels: nostalgia, comfort, maybe even a sudden urge to scroll through your old photo albums. So if you’re suddenly craving comfort food, feeling a little needy, or stress-cleaning your kitchen, you can blame the Moon.
This Full Moon is a chance to slow down and ask yourself:
What makes me feel safe and cared for?
Who or what feels like home?
Am I giving myself enough of the same love and attention I pour into others?
If the answer to that last one is “no,” let’s fix that. Take tomorrow night to create your own cozy ritual—light a candle, journal, bake cookies, or just cocoon yourself in your fluffiest blanket.
Mars in Cancer: A Cosmic Sidekick
This Full Moon Mars gets its moment to shine—literally. Look up at the night sky tomorrow and you’ll see Mars hanging out close to the Moon, glowing with a soft, reddish light.
How to See Mars and the Moon on the 13th
Timing: Head outside shortly after sunset, when the Moon is high and bright in the sky.
Location: Find a spot with minimal light pollution. Parks, beaches, or even your backyard (if you’re lucky) work great.
Look for the Glow: Mars will appear as a reddish “star” near the Moon. You don’t need a telescope—your naked eyes will do just fine.
Dress Warm: Cancer energy is all about comfort, so channel that with your coziest sweater and maybe a thermos of hot cocoa. Bonus points for fuzzy socks.
Bring a Buddy: Whether it’s your partner, best friend, or your dog, stargazing is better with company (plus, you can use their phone flashlight when you inevitably drop yours).
Moonlit Movie Magic: Perfect Picks for a Cozy Full Moon Night
If you’re not heading out to stargaze, the Cancer Full Moon is perfect for a chill night in. Think about getting together with people you trust and having a little together. Full Moons are for celebrating, ultimately, while Cancer energy is about being with those closest to you and processing. It’s the excuse to get your nearest and dearest together, cook something comforting, and let your house fill up with all that nurturing, emotional Cancer energy.
Or, you could skip the cooking and go straight to the movie marathon option. But not just any movie marathon. We're talking movies that are basically an emotional cuddle in cinematic form. The kind that hits you right in the feels and leaves you thinking, "Okay, I should probably call someone I care about and tell them I love them... like, now."
Here are my picks for your Cancer Full Moon movie night:
1. Moonstruck (1987)
Cher. Nicolas Cage (when he was weird yet still loveable). Moonlit nights. Italian family drama. It’s all deep emotions, and figuring out where you belong—both in your family and in love. A must if you haven't seen--and a must to see on this Cancer Full Moon, even if you've seen it, as I have, many times before.
2. When Harry Met Sally (1989)
Perhaps the GOAT of rom-coms (RIP Nora Ephron who wrote this genius script). While it doesn't have any lunar themes, it’s got everything else: emotional depth, humor, and the kind of chemistry we all want in our friendships and love lives. It’s just got one false move: when Billy Crystal starts ad-libbing at the Met about pepper.
3. The Sound of Music (1965)
Apparently, The Sound of Music is one of famed Slovakian philosopher Slavoj Žižek’s favorite movies—who knew? Sometimes, you just need some full-on, unapologetic comfort. It’s all about family, love, and finding joy in the simplest moments. Plus, Maria channels the ultimate nurturing Cancerian vibe. After watching this, you’ll feel like singing through the mountains and hugging every member of your family.
Happy Full Moon and if you are looking for your guide to January and 2025 you can view your horoscopes here.