The internet is thankfully awash in the endless voyeuristic content of celebrities in their jaw dropping homes. But of all these peeks into privilege, none has proven more fascinating than music icon Erykah Badu’s recent studio reveal—a case study in pure Piscesdom, particularly ahead of the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17th.
We learn many things on this magical mystery tour: that a vintage Rhodes keyboard of hers is haunted; that she always wears ankle bells to make music whenever she walks; and that the frequency of the universe is in the key of F (this information is divulged as Badu plunks various tuning forks that emit “delta, zeta, and beta waves”).
Pisces is a water sign and Erykah appropriately insists on having an infrared sauna near her bed, so she can sweat a lot, while she meditates. After discussing another instrument she received as a gift while doing Ayahuasca, the nu-soul queen then ends the clip by trying on her favourite hat and going outside to look at the stars.
I mean. This clip is very magical, strange, and whimsical. And, for our purposes, instructive.
Erykah is actually a double Pisces (meaning her Moon and Sun are both in her sign). We see this in her sensitivity to cosmic vibrations, in the otherworldliness of her intuition, in the dreamlike atmosphere of her studio space where art and reality are quite indistinguishable.
These are all Pisces themes that this upcoming Lunar Eclipse on 17th of September will be activating – to a certain extent, but only to a certain extent. Why so?
We have the Moon and Neptune (co-ruler of the Fishes) both in said sign, which is a super dreamy combination. Neptune is the lord of the Unconscious, of the unseen, of fantasy, of illusion. Meanwhile, the Moon is our emotional pulse. When you bring these two planets together we get very free flowing Erykah vibes.
If these were the only pertinent transits around the lunation we could expect to hear a lot of ankle bells chiming in infrared saunas on the 17th. That is to say, we’d really be pulled to this pure, mystical Pisces New Moon energy. But things are rarely so pure in the cosmos.
To wit: this Moon is also impacted by the other ruler of Pisces, namely Jupiter, which is currently in airy and flakey Gemini.
So, where does that leave us? We have all that watery Pisces/Moon/Neptune energy in conflict with flighty Jupiter. The result could be some emotional cloudiness. Where Pisces is usually very intuitive, you could find yourself being disoriented or unsure about the words, deeds, or intentions of a friend, partner, or family member. To further compound this, Mercury, planet of logic, although very well placed in its home sign of Virgo, is making an unfortunate opposition to Neptune. Even though we might think our intel is good, it might be suspect.
This Mercury-Neptune energy will have us feeling like we're living in a dreamy, mystical haze. Our intuition will be dialed up, and creativity will flow like magic, making it a perfect time for artistic projects, spiritual reflection, or, you know, thinking our cat might be sending us telepathic messages. But here’s the catch—clarity will be nowhere in sight! We should expect confusion, misunderstandings, and a few “wait, did that actually happen?” moments. Let’s embrace the inspiration, but maybe hold off on major life decisions until the fog clears!
Finally, let’s not put too much of a negative slant on things. We know that Eclipses are extra potent dates are for inaugurating projects. As we’ve seen, a Pisces Moon, in particular, will have a visionary element to it. With Jupiter ready to go in intellectual Gemini, this lunation, therefore, could doubly augur a strong day to expand past the planning stages in your heart and to start taking action on some creative vision. To harmonise with the cosmos on such a project, just remember that the universe, according to Erykah, is in the key of F.