After the past two somewhat difficult Moons in Gemini and Scorpio, we now get treated to a nice, sweet, charitable lunation in optimistic Sagittarius on the 12th of December. This positive New Moon will be buttressed by generous Jupiter, currently in earthy Taurus. Expect to give more than receive (good news), but also maybe splash cash we don’t have (Jupiter can be excessive, especially in material girl sign Taurus ).
Now, the question becomes: why are we mentioning Jupiter, if this article is purportedly about a New Moon in Sagittarius?
Good question. Here’s the astrology.
Jupiter rules Sagittarius (the site and sign of this lunation). In the complex pecking order of the cosmos, that means Planet Luck technically rules over this Moon, too. Each Full and New Moon, therefore, has a ruling planet, based on that of the sign it transits. If the Full Moon is in Aquarius, its temporary ruling planet will be the same as the Waterbearer, i.e., grim Saturn. Think of the Moon as a kind of temp worker, shuttling between different bosses each month.
The consequences of this factoid should be clear: we need to check on the condition of each Moon’s temporary ruler to more fully understand the lunation. For example, during last month’s Full Moon in Gemini, Mercury, the Twins’ ruler, was afflicted (meaning it was a sign it actively does not do so well in). Knowing that would be important to get a better sense of the lunar valence.
Luckily for us, Jupiter is known as the ‘Great Benefic” which is always a helpful energy to have around. Jupiter is currently still retrograde but it is gearing up for its direct station at the turn of the year. While technically we still have another two weeks in the retrograde phase, we are finally within sight of the end of it (the retrograde has been in effect since September 5th). Jupiter will be moving direct and shifting into “high roller mode,” on December 30th bestowing its largesse to close out 2023. That’s good news for us. A happy Jupiter means a happy end of the year.
This New Moon on the 12th, is the best day of the month to set intentions for the Archer’s season and in particular for any loose ends or projects you need to tie up before year end. If you want to get more granular, you could tailor these intentions to themes related to Sagittarius and Jupiter: giving, taking some risk, supporting some sort of cause, spending some money on a friend who needs it.
So, some advice around December 12th to feel extra aligned to the great cosmic order.
Public Display of Affection
We have been in Scorpio season, a time of hidden motives, holding back, smouldering tensions, brooding, and dark arts. Since November 22nd, however, the Sun has shifted into Sagittarius. Accordingly, the astrological weather has been getting warmer and brighter. Make your way out into the open, be loud, and go public with affections and opinions. Indeed, this a loud and public Moon But, also, set some modest intentions that have a public service element. Remember that the Holiday season is approaching–a time for giving love and compassion to the less fortunate. Make a note to heaven that you will do something charitable over the next couple weeks.
Random Acts of Kindness
With Jupiter extra expansive, use this Moon to take a friend out for a drink or dinner. This is a Santa Claus Moon. But let’s be clear: make sure the gifts are reasonable. Remember that Jupiter can shade toward excess. So, drinks are ok; diamonds not so much. This new Moon is all about how you can bring forth more goodwill to the world. Catch up with a friend and listen to their romance woes over Barolo risotto with chanterelle mushrooms and gremolata. And then foot the bill.
Philosophy Moon
Sagittarius is half-man/half-beast. The party-animal side tends to predominate in our popular depictions of the sign, because, alas, we live in a party animal culture that is inherently anti-intellectual. But the other side of Sadge is bookish and philosophical (it’s known as the Archer, shooting toward the heavens and truth). So, yes, go out and be in public and get loud, and treat your friend to a lovely dinner (all of which we’ve already advised), but when you come home, start a reading project to align with that other half of Sadge that makes us human. And, also, the more challenging the reading the better. No Dr. Phil (unless by Dr. Phil you mean something by a doctor of philosophy, like, say, Judith Butler’s “Bodies That Matter”).