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September Horoscopes for RUSSH Magazine

Now, as we find ourselves in the midst of Virgo season, we are firmly in the closing months of 2021. It will be a unique month with Mercury going into its final retrograde of the year on September 27 and the full Harvest Moon arriving in the same week.

To see what's in store for you and how the stars and planets will affect you this month, Astrologer Clarisse Monahan shares your horoscopes below.


The Sun in your 1st House of Self until the 22nd will be supercharging your Virgo yen for order, routine, good diet, and self-control this month. What’s more: Mars, the double espresso of the planets, is also in your 1st House until mid September. That means a lot of fire and ego-energy, which can be a great thing for starting new projects to better oneself. Just be careful not to tilt work-life balance to the side of too much work and don’t get overly heated in your self-assessments, as Mars and Virgo can combust into harsh criticism. Pay particular attention to the New Moon in Virgo on the 6th. New Moons, especially in one’s sign, are the most auspicious time to set a six month plan. Get your calendar out on this day and mark where you want to be in March in terms of finances, health regime, or partnerships.


Both your ruling planet, radiant Venus, and Mercury, the communicator, are in your 1st House of Self until the 6th of September. These two energies in combination will sweeten (Venus) negotiations at work (Mercury). They will also give you a needed bump of vigour, as the Sun will be somewhat drowned in the 12th House of the Unconscious and Secrets, until the 22nd. 12th House solar transits are like dark introspective nights. They are times of introspection and grappling with the past. Also be assured: the Sun shifts into your 1st House of Self on the 22nd. Indecision and vacillation--both shadow aspects of Libra submerged in the 12th--should give way to deliberate, purposeful action and cooperation toward month’s end, especially with caffeinated Mars in your 1st House starting the 14th.


Your ruling planet, battle-tested Mars, is in your 11th House of Friendships until the 14th. A Mars transit through the 11th House can lead to you either fighting for or fighting against your friends. Make a conscious effort to fight for them--and avoid needless suspicions and grievances. On the 22nd, the Sun enters into Libra and your 12th House of Secrets and the Unconscious--an introspective transit that could have you feeling indecisive about partners (shadow Libra). While 12th House solar transits are not the most ideal, they are ultimately a time of deep privacy and emotional intuition. Luckily this tends to suit your Scorpionic nature better than other signs that can struggle more with this gloomier placement.


Up until the 22nd, the Sun in precise Virgo will be highlighting your 10th House of Career. Your natural adventurousness, which can veer, at times, toward wanton play, will welcome the steady, earthy, order that the Virgo Sun will bring to your work environment. Indeed this intensified Virgo focus for much of the month will help hone and craft your more free-wheeling creativity. A wiseman once said that all great art is like a wild animal tamed. Perhaps something similar applies here--a great month at work is like a Sagittarius tamed somewhat by a Virgo Sun. On the 22nd, the Sun shifts to Libra and your 11th House of Friendships--a lovely transit whereby your social nature will be energised by a social solar transit. Expect harmony, understanding, and fun with your mates during Libra season, even if your madcap Archer tendencies take you all off the rails while out on the tiles.


This month you are looking for more meaning and depth in your life, as the Sun transits Virgo and your 9th House of Spirituality and Learning until the 22nd. A Virgo Sun can be very practical, so don’t be surprised if you do some deep dives into a spiritual text or spiritual practices to figure out concrete ways to better mind, body, or spirit. On the 22nd, the Sun shifts to Libra and your 10th House of Career. Libra energy will lend balance and cooperation to your work environment. At the same time, the Libra Sun is quite social. Speaking up and putting yourself out there in the workplace will pay dividends.


Your detached, cerebral nature faces a challenge this Virgo season, as the Sun highlights your 8th House of Intimacy, Shared Finances, Sex, Death, and Transformation. If Aquarian energy is aloof, airy, and arid, the 8th House forces us to deal with the mystery of things most close: lovers, vulnerabilities, fears, money shared, debts, and indebtedness. Given your distant nature, intimacy is not easy for you. What, then, is the lesson you need to work on this transit? Perhaps getting out of your head and trusting those closest to you more? On the 6th, a New Moon in the 8th House provides a date to try something new, like getting more intimate with intimacy. The 10th marks the start of a lovely three-week transit, with Venus popping into your House of the Public. Venus brings social graces so expect to look good in the eyes of potential employers or a current boss. Also, a great time for launching a new product or idea.


With the Sun highlighting your 7th House of Relationships and Partnerships until the 22nd, your focus should be on significant others, spouses, and business cronies this Virgo season, especially with Mars in the 7th House until the 14th, as well. Expect pugnacious Mars energy to challenge your somewhat more passive nature to be more assertive. Stand up and fight for a relationship of import, especially if you have been coasting in neutral too much. On the 20th, a Full Moon goes conjunct your ruling planet, Neptune, the dreamcaster, in your 1st House of Self. This is a day of heavy intuition, as Moon, Pisces, and Neptune all operate in the magical nether-realms of the suprasensible. Is there something slightly off about that business deal? Are you unsure about the job offer, but just can’t place why? This Full Moon could give you insight and answers beyond the mere logic of pros and cons.


Your ruling planet, Mars, the maniacal Crossfit trainer of the planets, is in your 6th House of Work, Routine, and Service until the 14th. Mars, a malefic, doesn’t have its “joy” in many houses, but it does so in the 6th. Both the Ram and its ruler, Mars, are all about starting something--for good or bad. Use these two weeks, where Mars is enjoying its 6th House placement, to inaugurate some sort of epic new training regime focused on the body. Marathon? Go big. The practical Virgo Sun is also in the 6th House until the 22nd, adding an extra layer of routine-loving energy to the season. Get work done because you will have the organisational chops to be extra efficient during business and gym hours. Due the somewhat high octane nature of this constellation of Mars-Sun-Virgo-Work, make sure to take the Full Moon on the 20th off. This Moon falls in your 12th House of the Unconscious--an introspective placement that can provide a brief time-out from a hectic month.


On the 10th, ritzy Venus, your ruler, enters into your 7th House of Relationships, a placement that the Planet of Love naturally adores. If things have been somewhat rocky with your significant other, Venus in the 7th will restore peace for the month. And if things have been good, they will get better with the perfumed influence of Venus around. You also have the Sun in the 5th House of Fun, Romance, Creativity, and Entertainment until the 22nd, so Virgo season will be popping for the Bull with good transits. As always, though, keep in mind that your earthy, sensual nature can tend toward a kind of ignoble ease (and that is the case with Venus, too, whose influence can shade toward over-indulgence). With all this 5th House Fun in the picture, therefore, don’t get too comfortable. Make sure that mind and body stay sharp, because come the 22nd, the cosmic gears shift into grind-mode for the Bull, as the Sun moves into your 6th House of Work and Routine.


You’ve got a great transit to start the month but it turns into a more problematic one by the end of September. To wit: eloquent Mercury, your ruling planet, transits your 5th House of Creativity, Romance, and Fun all month. This is a time for poetic sallies to friends or a beloved, a time to be even more free and daring in the way you express yourself through speech or writing. If you’re stuck in some boring prose project--an essay for school, a presentation at work --Mercury’s clarity mixed with 5th House creativity could provide a much needed dash of elan to all things involving communication. But beware: the dreaded Mercury retrograde approaches on the 27th. While Mercury retrogrades (that is, periods of stymied communication) affect everyone, they especially do so with you. Make sure you have important work backed-up because communications and messaging get loopy by the end of the month.


With the Sun and Mars transiting your 3rd House of Communication, Neighbours, and Siblings, you should focus on expressing yourself--even speaking out-- this Virgo season. Usually you keep to your protective shell but with loud-mouth Mars transiting your 3rd, it may be time to give voice to frustrations, particularly to a brother, sister, or noisy neighbour. The practical, tactful Virgo Sun should temper the rough speech often associated with Mars, but the Red Planet will nonetheless give you the will to say what you need to say to proximate relations. On the 6th, a New Moon also falls in your 3rd House of Communication. Think of this as a good day to say something to a brother or sister from the heart. On the 22nd, the Sun enters Libra and your 4th House of Home. This is one of the best placements for the Crab. It’s a social transit, but it brings people to you rather than you out into the world. It’s at home, after all, where you’re most at ease to host others with inimitable grace.


Much of this month will centre around finances for you, as the practical Sun-in-Virgo crests your 2nd House of Money until the 22nd. But wait: Reckless Mars will also be in the 2nd House until the 14th. Tensions. On the one hand, Virgo (practical, orderly, good with money). On the other hand, Mars (reckless, disorderly, bad with money). Your nature is to be more Martian with cash: flamboyant, gambling, showing off. Your lesson: follow Virgo’s more prudent influence. Don’t go all Leo/Mars and end up gambling, shopping, or spending ducats. Frugality is the law of the land for Virgo season, even if you are sorely tempted by Mars. A place to seek solace from 2nd House money tensions would be the 4th House of Home, where Venus starts a September transit on the 10th. This placement is excellent for the Lion, who loves its pride nearby. Resist Venusian urges to spend on the hearth. Instead: beautify your home this month with friends and family.


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