If an assignment is due on Thursday, Virgo will be sure to have it perfectly completed by Sunday, leaving the Virgin lots of time to starch its collars for Monday morning. Ruled by the analytical side of Mercury, Virgo’s highly ordered world can feel more like a museum, a place to look but not touch.
This is all to say that there might be a bit of a “cold comfort” element to the upcoming Virgo New Moon on September 3rd 204. True, Virgo rules over things like food and diet (in other words, nutriment) but it's not a sign, like Cancer, for nurturing. There’s a big difference.
This presents us with a bit of contradiction, since the Moon represents the beating “heart” in our chart, whereas practical Virgo might not be so bountiful with its affections.
No worries. I was always told that when the cosmos gives us a bit of a lemon for a transit, we should learn to make lemonade. Here’s an old fashioned recipe for this month’s Virgo New Moon refreshment.
Step One: Add a cup of ruling-planet Mercury to the mix
Mercury (communication) governs the Maiden. So, this Virgo New Moon should have much to do with how we express ourselves at work or in the boudoir. Don’t make this lunation just about getting things done, which is Virgo’s inclination. Communication (rather than, say, cleaning up the closet) should be a focus of this Moon. Adding to this positive energy, Mercury has just recently moved direct, which amplifies the benefits of this transit. The shift from retrograde to direct brings a fresh and forward-moving momentum, enhancing the impact of your interactions.
Step Two: Stir in some spice to sweeten your words
It’s not just that this Virgo New Moon is governed by Mercury. It’s governed by Mercury in the vibrant and charismatic sign of Leo. Mercury in Leo is all about charming communication and bringing warmth and enthusiasm to your interactions. Unlike Mercury in Aries, which can be more self-focused and direct, Mercury in Leo engages with a flair for drama and creativity, making conversations more dynamic and engaging.
Even though the Virgo New Moon may have a more critical or practical edge, the Leo influence adds a touch of sweetness and charisma. So, behind the practical advice of Virgo, you’ll find an undercurrent of lively, expressive energy. Use this to your advantage: flatter your partner, turn requests into charming invitations, offer sincere compliments, and add a bit of flair to your words. Make your communication not just effective but also memorable and delightful.
Step Three: Serve with flair
A Virgo New Moon should heighten your desire to help others, but with Mercury in Sun-ruled Leo, you can infuse that service with some flair and creativity. While Virgo brings a no-nonsense, orderly approach, Mercury in Leo adds a touch of drama and warmth to the mix. Think of it this way: make sure the towels are all perfectly folded (Virgo Moon), but then choose towels in vibrant, bold colors that make a statement (Mercury in Leo). It’s about combining precision with a bit of sparkle to make your efforts truly shine.
While this Virgo New Moon recipe should taste great for everyone, it will be particularly delicious for the following signs: Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces and Libra. Why so?
The New Moon in one’s sign is always potent, so the Maiden should feel extra charged on the 3rd of September. You are always looking to help others with edits, critiques, and advice: now is the time to book a date with yourself and work on your own needs.
For Sagittarius, this New Moon highlights your Career zone. With Mercury-in-Leo, this is the perfect time for smooth talking at work: meet up with your boss and ask about your career trajectory. Now is the perfect time to sow seeds for that promotion.
For Leo: Mercury highlights your Selfhood zone, where the planet is said to have its “joy.” Think about what your biggest desires are right now. It’s time to call in exactly what you want. Make sure you write down a practical roadmap to achieve one goal. That is the key with Virgo, ever practical.
For Pisces, we have the New Moon highlighting your Relationship Zone. Virgo Energy is all about being of service. Coupled or not, commit to doing one nice helpful thing for a partner in your life (be it romantic, friend, or business associate).
As a final note, angry Mars is still in flighty Gemini, where it is “squaring” (or creating some difficult energy) with this Virgo New Moon. Mars and squares are hot and bothered elements that we all have to deal with. Instead of getting agitated, though, stay hydrated with this Virgo New Moon refreshment we’ve been concocting. Sit out on the porch. Have a drink. Speak sweetly with friends. And stay cool from that extra Mars/square heat.