January felt biblically long—but we finally made it.
New month, new year? Sort of. February gives us a bit of a breather, sure, but let’s not get too comfortable. This is our last stop before 2025 kicks the door in.
We start February on a very positive note. Uranus, the planet of chaos and delightful disruptions, just stationed direct, so expect some unexpected (but maybe welcome) plot twists. Then, on February 4th, we get the Jupiter direct station of the year—a rare, golden, one-day-only event that actually feels good. Mark it. If you’ve been dragging, uninspired, or staring at your ceiling wondering when life will start moving again, this is when the gears start turning.
To dive straight into your horoscope, just scroll down. And don’t forget to check your Rising Sign, too—it reveals the areas of your life that are being activated this month.
DeepSeek launched on the Pluto-Sun conjunction (Jan 20th)
A new force in technology just stepped onto the stage. Pluto meeting the Sun in Aquarius is no small omen—it’s a symbol of transformation, shifting power structures, and the dawn of something new. Aquarius rules innovation, rebellion, and the collective future—this conjunction signals radical change in technology, governance, and how we connect as a society. Expect disruptions, breakthroughs, and unseen forces rising to the surface.
Meanwhile, TikTok shut down under the Venus-Saturn conjunction (Jan 19th) and reopened the next day on an extension. But here’s the twist: Venus is going retrograde right on top of Saturn when the next extension deadline hits. Saturn doubling back over Venus? That doesn’t exactly scream “fair deal” for TikTok.
Venus Retrograde
This transit isn’t just about TikTok—it’s about all of us. When Venus stations direct (in a few months), she does so right next to Saturn, bringing a moment of clarity. Love, money, relationships, and fairness—Saturn adds weight, making us take things seriously. But here’s another way to see it: Venus represents women, femmes, and all those who carry her energy, and Saturn gives them strength. Power. A voice that demands to be heard. This could be a time of pushing back, renegotiating, and refusing to accept less than what’s fair.
The planet parade
And then there’s Mars. Burning bright in the sky—so noticeable that even my brother, who knows nothing about astrology can’t stop talking about it. He’s obsessed with taking pictures of the planets lately. It’s like the sky itself is calling for attention. Whether we normally look up or not, the planets are making themselves known.
And now for February—the first two weeks feel noticeably lighter, but things get trickier as the month progresses. The key moments to watch?
To wit: On February 4th, we experience the sole Jupiter direct station of the year, which occurs in chatty Gemini. This is a day to bet on yourself: Apply for a new job, schedule an interview. Basically, a golden moment for luck and opportunity (Jupiter) around Gemini themes: communication and socializing.
Also on February 4th, lovely Venus enters fiery Aries for two months. While Planet Love goes retro there in March (romance miscues indicated), it will be direct for the next few weeks. Meaning: Venus-in-Aries indicates a time to be a bit more reckless and direct concerning romantic interests and pursuits. If you have a secret crush, for example, February denotes a time to let it be known. No pussyfooting. Aries energy responds to Machiavelli's maxim: fortune favors the bold.
On February 12th: Full Moon in dramatic Leo, squaring unconventional Uranus. This can be a fun Full Moon but telenovela surprises indicated.
Oh, and Valentine’s Day? Unromantic but stable. The Moon will be in ever-practical Virgo and opposing Saturn. A very mature lunation. Not the most passionate. I will personally be saving my celebrations for February 15th, when the Moon moves into sweet, flirty Libra. A much better day for love, cosmically speaking.
It’s important to remember that 2025 carries echoes of 2020 in terms of big, transformative change—but that doesn’t mean it has to be bad. Personally, I loved 2020, and I’m excited for what’s ahead. The difference? The tenor of this year is Mars—pure action. The tenor of 2020 was Saturn (restriction, isolation and order).
With major planetary activity in Aries in 2025—one of Mars’ home signs—this year is about movement, momentum, and drive. This isn’t a year to sit back and wait. If there’s something you want, go after it. If there’s something you believe in, fight for it.
Venus enters your sign on February 4th, and she’s sticking around until March 27th—this is your time to shine, Aries. This transit brings love, romantic connection, and a chance to reconnect with your own damn self. Venus in Aries is bold, unapologetic, and ready to reclaim your joy and beauty. But hold up—Venus goes retrograde next month, so what starts now won’t be wrapped up immediately. It’s the beginning of something bigger.
Creatively in 2025, you’re heading into a Renaissance era. You've been known for starting things and keeping them fresh, but with Venus retrograde in your sign next month, this is a call to slow down and reflect. Instead of charging forward, take stock of old ideas and creative projects from the past that never got the attention they deserved. 2017 holds the key—what was in the air for you then? Use this period to breathe life back into what you started.
With Venus lighting up your creative energy, it’s the perfect time to return to old artistic projects, side hustles, or anything you’ve put on the back burner. You’re not creating from scratch—this is about revisiting, refining, and seeing what could be reborn with fresh eyes.
Mars, your ruling planet, has been retrograde in your home zone, which means family drama and home improvements might’ve been a slog. But don’t worry—on February 24th, Mars goes direct, and things will finally start to click. This is your chance to wrap up any lingering home or family matters and clear the path for new energy. Once Mars moves forward, you’ll be ready to tackle fresh territory, and it’s going to feel like a breath of fresh air. Get your ducks in a row now so you can step confidently into the next chapter.
You kick off the month with your ruling planet, Venus, exalted in Pisces in your 11th House of friends and networks—prime real estate for socializing and making connections. Things are looking lush, and you're likely feeling more magnetic than usual. But on the 4th, Venus moves into your 12th House, shifting the vibe from social to introspective. This is the zone of secrets and hidden enemies, so be aware: someone might be talking behind your back. Use this time to really assess who’s truly valuable in your life and who needs to go. Trust your instincts.
On a brighter note, Uranus went direct at the end of January, and that's good news for any Taurus who’s been struggling with change. You’re not typically the biggest fan of disruption, but this shift is like a green light for fresh starts and breakthroughs. If you've been stuck in a rut, now's the time to embrace change—it’s all about cutting through the old and making way for something new.
Also, heads up: you’re one of the signs that will be most impacted by Venus going retrograde on March 1st. Expect themes that began with friends in January and relationships with lovers to continue throughout the spring. You might not get all the clarity you’re craving just yet, but trust that it’s coming. This retrograde will give you a chance to revisit connections and get the full picture—just be patient.
And, if you're an artist, this is prime time for creativity. Use the introspective energy of the 12th House to go underground and work on those projects you've been thinking about, but maybe didn’t have the time or space to dive into. Skip the drama and focus on creating something that’s truly yours. Venus retrograde is all about revisiting and refining—so let that energy fuel your work, and plan to launch later in the spring when everything will feel more aligned.
Your ruling planet Mercury starts the month riding high in fellow air sign Aquarius, and when your ruling planet is in such a good place, you feel like your eloquent, sharp-witted self—quick with the comebacks, full of intellectual banter, and ready to debate anything. But it gets even better: on February 4th, Jupiter stations direct in your sign, giving you a major cosmic boost. From February 4th until June 10th, this is your window to capitalize on the energy. Make the most of this time because, after June 10th, Jupiter won’t return to Gemini for another 12 years.
Whenever a planet of abundance like Jupiter is in our sign, it’s like hitting the jackpot. If things have felt stalled since mid-October (when Jupiter stationed retrograde), get ready for things to start flowing with more ease. This is especially true if you were born between June 1st and 12th). This is your chance to pick up where you left off and see things finally gain momentum.
Mercury moves into your career zone on the 14th, putting the spotlight on all things work-related. This shift brings a surge of mental clarity, making it a prime time to focus on professional matters. Conversations about your career or public image are likely to flow smoothly, and you’ll find it easier to make the connections that push you forward. If you've been waiting to pitch something or ask for a promotion, this is the moment to do it. Keep an eye on the details—Mercury’s transit in this zone can help you refine your approach and solidify your path to success.
Mars is in your sign all month, and it’s bringing you back to things that likely started around September 6th when Mars first entered this part of the zodiac. It briefly dipped into Leo in November for a couple of months giving you a break, but since January 6th, it’s been back, full force, impacting you directly. And let’s be real: this placement isn’t a walk in the park for Cancerians, especially those born during the day (Mars is much nicer to people who have night charts, FYI). So if you’re born during the day, it's extra important not to put yourself around triggering situations or people who are looking to stir up conflict.
But here’s the thing—this intense phase is almost over. Mars will go direct at the end of February, making things a whole lot smoother for you. Until then, use the first three weeks of the month to really focus on your boundaries and your own needs. You don’t have time to be rattled by people who are looking for a fight. Mars isn’t called the knife for nothing, but instead of letting it wound, use it to cut out all the toxic elements, bad habits, and outdated ideas that you’re so done with. It’s a chance to clean up your life—on your terms. Just stay focused and let that fiery energy work for you, not against you.
A Full Moon in your finance zone on the 12th could bring an unexpected earning opportunity or even a windfall. At the very least, it might finally motivate you to open your banking app and do that update it's been bugging you about for weeks. Either way, some financial clarity is coming your way!
Aquarius season is heating up—and while Aquarius is known for its cool, detached vibe, this time it’s all about your relationship sector. With the spotlight shifting onto your partner, this is the perfect time to put more energy into your one-on-one relationships—whether it’s with a romantic partner, a business associate, or a friend. If you find yourself in a one-on-one conversation, try asking questions and actually listening, no dominating the dialogue with your own monologue.
On February 4th, Jupiter stations direct and forms a perfect trine to Mercury in your relationship sector, with the Sun involved too. This is great news for you, especially when it comes to your partner or any significant relationships in your life.
Communication should feel smooth and supportive this month, as the planets in air signs help open up the flow. If you’ve been holding back or struggling to express yourself, this aspect makes it easier to share your thoughts and connect on a deeper level. Things are aligning for you in the partnership department, so lean into the positive energy.
The Full Moon in your sign on the 12th might throw a curveball that forces you to adapt quickly. This Full Moon squares Uranus, so anything could happen. You know how unpredictable Uranus can be, and considering it's 2025, it would take a lot to truly surprise us, but expect something bizarre to unfold. This isn’t the time to be rigid—keep your head on a swivel, and be open to whatever unexpected twists come your way.
Love is in the air for you—or at least it should be, with Venus in Pisces activating that romantic, dreamy part of your chart since January 3rd. But on February 4th, Venus shifts out of Pisces and starts stirring up a different area of your life. Don’t worry though—she’ll be back next month to revisit that same part of your chart, thanks to her retrograde. So if someone slips out of your life in early February, expect them to make a reappearance in late March, either in person or through a similar theme. The same goes for any issues with one-on-one relationships, partnerships, or business—don’t be surprised if those themes continue to unfold in March.
This doesn’t have to be negative. It could also be a sign that a creative project you're working on needs more editing or refining over this period. Or perhaps a relationship that’s navigating its early stages—getting to know each other, having those deep conversations, and then making things official if that’s where you’re headed. Either way, February is a month focused on partnerships (business or otherwise), so take the time to reflect, refine, and allow things to develop organically.
Your ruling planet, Venus, starts the month in Pisces but quickly shifts into Aries, and when she does, things get interesting. While Venus loses a bit of her grace and charm in Aries (it’s not the soft, balanced Venus you’re used to), she also moves into a more prominent position in your chart—good news for you. From February 4th onwards, Venus will be angular, meaning you’ll feel her energy more strongly, and you’ll notice her influence in your life.
But Venus in Aries isn’t the sweet, calm, diplomatic Venus you know. This version is bold, brash, and sometimes a little ferocious. It’s a Venus that doesn’t play by society’s rules, and that can actually be a great thing. If you’re single, you might find yourself being more daring, more willing to break away from the norms, and that’s ok. If you’re in a partnership, it’s time to be more direct and honest with your partner—no sugarcoating. Have fun with it.
You may also feel a strong urge to fight for justice, to challenge the status quo, and to speak your truth. Venus in Aries brings a warrior-like energy, and with it, the desire to stand up for what you believe in—whether that’s in relationships, your work, or in society at large.
All in all, this is the start of a story that will unfold well past February and into early June. So if things feel unclear, especially in certain situations/ creative endeavors and or partnerships, just know that clarity will come. Stay present, enjoy the ride, and know that the fog will lift once we’re deep into Taurus season in a few months. Until then, shake things up and embrace the fire.
Your ruling planet, Mars, is retrograde until February 24th, and that can make you feel like your flag’s at half-mast. It’s not just about energy levels—it might feel like your drive, your fire, even your sexuality has been a bit dampened. Mars retrograde often brings a dip in confidence or the feeling that your usual mojo isn’t quite there. You might feel less assertive, less magnetic, or like you’re just not in the mood. But don't worry, this is temporary. By the end of the month, as Mars shifts back into forward motion, you’ll regain your usual sultry, confident self, and your energy will come roaring back.
The Full Moon on the 12th will shine a light on your career zone, and with it, unexpected revelations. A coworker you thought was a friend could unexpectedly reveal themselves as something different—or maybe you’ll be taken aback by something they say. Uranus squaring the Full Moon is stirring up some unpredictability in your professional life, so expect some surprises. Whether it's the revelation of hidden motives or just something offbeat that catches you off guard, things at work may feel a little chaotic.
But while squares are tricky, they’re also catalysts for change. This might push you to get more assertive, more ambitious, and yes, even more ruthless if needed. The shake-ups might actually be the jolt you need to stop playing small and level up. But be patient—hold off on your big moves until Mars is direct in the following week. The clarity you get after that will help you make the smartest, most confident decisions. So, while things may feel a little low right now, it's all about to shift—and when it does, it’s going to be game on.
Your ruling planet, Jupiter, stations direct in Gemini and your relationship house on February 4th. This is a positive day for you. If you’re in a relationship, expect things to finally make sense. Whether it’s going steady, moving towards commitment, or maybe even navigating something more nontraditional—this day could bring some clarity. Good news is on the horizon. However, because Jupiter also represents freedom, if you’ve been stuck in some ambiguous loop, or if things haven’t been moving forward the way you hoped, don’t be surprised if a little freedom comes your way. If it’s been dragging, it’s likely time for things to shift.
Single Sagittarius, If you haven’t experienced luck in love since Jupiter entered your relationship zone in late May last year, it’s likely because you have a later degree rising sign (21 degrees or beyond), or were born after December 10th. But don’t worry, your time is now! Expect exciting changes and encounters with someone who’s about to shake up your world in the best way. This is your moment to open up to fresh possibilities in love and connection.
Venus has been stirring things up in your home zone—affecting your relationship and responsibility of duty with parents, your living situation, and other serious matters. But on the 4th, she moves into your 5th house of fun, dating, creativity, and sex, shifting the energy entirely. Expect a welcome break from the heavy, with more room for enjoyment, spontaneity, and indulging in what brings you joy. Finally. If you’ve been buried in responsibility, expect a sweet shift towards more fun, more ease. It’s time to let yourself indulge in what feels good—whether that’s picking up that hobby you swore you’d start in January, finding more time for joy, or even lightening the load with family. This is a positive shift, and you deserve it.
Saturn—your ruling planet—spent last month cozied up to Venus. Not exactly great for Venus (Venus in Pisces energy doesn’t love restriction), but for you? Pretty solid. Saturn rules limits, lessons, and the school of hard knocks, so when Venus gets pulled into its orbit, things tend to get a little more serious. But when you stand next to Venus, you actually loosen up a bit. So while January was rough for a lot of signs, you might have felt weirdly okay.
Think back to what was happening between January 18th-24th, because that storyline isn’t over. Whatever themes were playing out then will pop back up around April 5th. Not good, not bad—just something to be aware of. (Pisces folks were probably feeling this transit much harder, but that’s their problem.)
Meanwhile, Saturn is moving direct in your house of siblings, neighbors, and communication, and it’s gearing up for its exit on June 10th. I know I’m throwing longer timelines at you, but you actually care about long-term strategy. My advice? If there are any unresolved issues with siblings, neighbors, or local matters, handle them now. Tie up loose ends so that by June, you’re ready to shift into 4th house territory—home, real estate, living situations. The next chapter is coming, and if anyone knows how to plan ahead, it’s you.
February brings a Full Moon in Leo on the 12th, lighting up your relationship zone—but here’s the catch: It’s also tied to your home and living situation. And because Uranus is involved, expect the unexpected. My advice? If you live with someone, try switching things up before the universe does it for you. Rearrange your space, add something new, have an honest conversation about what’s working and what’s really not. Just maybe don’t do it on the 12th—things could get tense fast. If you can, book a last-minute getaway. Uranus loves spontaneity, and sometimes the best way to deal with life’s chaos is to just leave the house.
Meanwhile, Mercury is in your sign until Valentine’s Day, which means for the first two weeks of February, you’re extra quick, extra sharp, extra quotable. Use it. And especially on the 4th—Jupiter stations direct in Gemini, forming a gorgeous trine to Mercury and your Sun. This is one of those rare, golden days where things flow. Push forward. Ask for favors. Expand. Read something that actually challenges your brain. Whatever you do, don’t waste this energy sitting around waiting for things to happen. Make them happen.
Venus, your exalted ruler, had a little rendezvous with Saturn around January 19th—give or take a few days. If that time felt like a letdown, a reality check, or just not fun, well, that’s because Saturn doesn’t do fun. Saturn does structure, limits, and “here’s how it actually is.” Maybe you had to get serious about something. Maybe something got more official. Either way, I’d bet most of you are stepping into February with your rose-colored glasses firmly off.
Didn’t love how that played out? Good news (or bad news, depending): This storyline isn’t over. April 5th brings a second round, so whether you need to fix something, set the record straight, or just get the last word—you’ll get your chance.
Big picture? You’re in the final stretch of Saturn being in your sign (thank God), which means that deep, existential exhaustion you’ve been carrying? It’s going to lighten up soon.
Venus moves out of your sign on February 4th, but don’t panic—she’ll be back at the end of March. Whatever relationship or creative storyline you’re in right now, even if it feels like it’s slipping through your fingers, it’s not over. Will you get exactly what you want? Can’t promise that. But what I can promise is that by spring, things will at least start making sense.