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Valentines in Retrograde: February Astrology

Big Aquarius Energy

Here is my February column for Soho House which is all about our current pile up of planets in Aquarius. Possibly the most un-romantic Valentines Day ever? Read here to find out what February has in store.

Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are all in Aquarius at the moment. A multi-planet soiree like this, known as a ‘stellium’, is both super powerful and rare – we haven’t had this configuration in Aquarius since 1962. All of which begs the question foremost in our minds: what does this mean for Valentine’s Day? This current transit will be magnifying Water Bearer energy (collective life over coupledom, humanity over individuality, rationality over passion) until 18 February. So, the stars seem to be about ‘Anti-Valentine’s Day’ vibes this year – if by Valentine’s we mean Hallmark card romance, chocolates, and satin-laced seductions. But maybe ‘Anti-’ isn’t the right prefix. Since the Grand Conjunction this winter solstice (which marked a shift into the Age of Aquarius), old-guard social, economic and political ideologies are starting to be cosmically reworked, redefined, and repurposed. We are leaving behind the heavy energy of earth, which was dominated by commercialism, fusty tradition, and the narcissism of small differences. Aquarius will be about new ideas, innovation, community, and cooperation. In other words: fresh air.

Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are all in Aquarius at the moment. A multi-planet soiree like this, known as a ‘stellium’, is both super powerful and rare – we haven’t had this configuration in Aquarius since 1962. All of which begs the question foremost in our minds: what does this mean for Valentine’s Day? This current transit will be magnifying Water Bearer energy (collective life over coupledom, humanity over individuality, rationality over passion) until 18 February. So, the stars seem to be about ‘Anti-Valentine’s Day’ vibes this year – if by Valentine’s we mean Hallmark card romance, chocolates, and satin-laced seductions. But maybe ‘Anti-’ isn’t the right prefix. Since the Grand Conjunction this winter solstice (which marked a shift into the Age of Aquarius), old-guard social, economic and political ideologies are starting to be cosmically reworked, redefined, and repurposed. We are leaving behind the heavy energy of earth, which was dominated by commercialism, fusty tradition, and the narcissism of small differences. Aquarius will be about new ideas, innovation, community, and cooperation. In other words: fresh air.

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